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Hebron Messenger
Published Fortnightly
May 29, 2005
NO 11



Scripture Portion: Psalm 121

In the Book of Psalms there are fifteen special Psalms, called the songs of degrees or the songs of ascent. They are Psalms 120 to 134. The reason as to why they were called the songs of degrees is not directly mentioned in the Bible. Nevertheless it is believed that they were special Psalms sung during the festival times of the people of Israel. All the males of the people of Israel were required to go to the temple of God in Jerusalem three times a year (Deut. 16:16). The temple of God was situated on a high mountain. So as the people went for the three annual feasts, they had to take an upward winding road to reach the temple. It is believed that these songs were sung during the upward journey to the temple of God. That is why they were called the songs of degrees or ascent. The Psalmist speaks of such an experience in Psalm 42:4, "When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me: for I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept holyday". Then Isaiah 30:29 says, "Ye shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept; and gladness of heart, as when one goeth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the LORD, to the mighty One of Israel".

The upward journey of the people of Israel to the House of God in the mountain of the Lord can be compared with the spiritual upward journey of a believer. As the people of Israel desired to reach the House of God, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have a desire to reach heaven. Our Christian life is an upward journey. From the songs of degrees we can learn many important spiritual lessons, which re useful in our Christian walk. If you meditate upon each Psalm, from 120 to 134, God will teach you such lessons. Psalm 121 is the second song of degrees and it is well known and well loved by believers through all generations. Many believers read this Psalm to assure themselves of God's presence and protection. It is told that the first verse of this Psalm was recited by the third astronaut who set his foot on the moon. When he saw the beautiful mountains on the face of the moon he was reminded of Psalm 121: 1 and he exclaimed, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help."

In these articles we are going to take afresh look at Psalm 121 so that the Lord may teach us simple but valuable lessons which we should know in our upward spiritual journey. Proverbs 4:18 says, "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." May our lives be such. The first verse of Psalm 121 is actually a question in the original language. "Shall I lift up mine eyes to the hills? From whence should my help come?" Many people in Israel had the bad habit of worshipping idols on mountaintops. But the Psalmist having asked the question, "Shall I lift up mine eyes to the hills? From whence should my help come?" gives the answer in verse two, "My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth". The idols which people worshipped never claim to have made the heavens and the earth. But the Psalmist says that he is worshipping Jehovah Who made the heavens and the earth. That excludes all others gods who were only idols. Can you also truthfully say, "My help cometh from the LORD who made heaven and earth?" There is in fact no Other god who can help us in anyway. The Lord God Jehovah is the true and the living God. It is by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God that we can become the children of God. (John 1: 12). Have you thought about the ki~d of help the Lord God is willing to give you if you turn to Him with all your heart? Let us look at this Psalm 121 and learn about the sevenfold help or blessings which come to us from the Lord.

(To be contd.) N.J.


Golconda Crossroads,
Hyderabad -500 020,

A.P., India.
Telephone No.27613066
May 20, 2005

Dear Fellow-Believers in Christ,

Greetings in the wonderful and glorious Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, of Whom we have received grace for grace. Saved and seated with Him in heavenly places, we are made Hisworkmanship, to walk in the paths He hath foreordained for us to the praise of His glory, in His Church (Psa.84:11 ; Eph. 2:6,8,10; John 1 :16).

We are seeking to continue the features in the life of Patriarch Abraham, which highlight the features of that city he was looking for. We have considered firstly, the heavenly vision he received when the God of glory apeared to him, or revealed Himself to him from heaven. Secondly, this revelation from heaven wrought in Abraham an essential separation from the earth, beginning with his abandoning his country and kindred at the command of God (Gen. 12:1). And he "went out" from his native land, land of his natural birth, natural relationship and natural interests. He went out and everything had to be new. It was separation.

In the Lord's dealing with Jerusalem on earth over the centuries, this principle of separation was hammered out through His prophets. Again and again the Lord appealed to Jerusalem continuously to be clean, to be separate, to be holy, and to stand for God wholly, in the midst of the nations. But Jerusalem's tragedy was the tragedy of lost separation, over which the prophets wept, warning her again and again. This we must admit is the tragedy of the Church too. You cannot violate God's thoughts for His people. The Church needs to realise her heavenly relationship with her Lord, calling for an utter separation from the world. Then only can God wholly and joyfully associate Himself with her.

Thirdly, there is the call for the heavenly citizenship. Hebrews 11: 10 reminds that Abraham "looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder (Architect) and maker is God. "We read that Abraham saw something a long way off and hailed it (John 8:56). "By faith Abraham, when he was called..., obeyed; and he went out... These all died in faith, not having received..:' (Heb. 11 : 8, 13). His citizenship was not a citizenship of this earth at all, but heavenly. The true seed of Abraham are the believers (not the Jewish nation), who are linked with the "Jerusalem, which is above... which is the mother of us all" (Gal. 4:26). That is how Paul puts it. So the Apostle says, "For our conversation (citizenship) is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour..:' (Phil. 3:20).

Fourthly, an important feature of Abraham's life was that he was a pilgrim and a stranger. He dwelt or sojourned in tents, having no part in the land. This is a feature of heavenliness. Pilgrims and strangers here, but belonging to the heavenly country, with heavenly citizenship (Heb. 11: 13-16).

Fifthly, Abraham sought no earthly patronage from this world. He had none. No doubt he did service , in the interest of certain righteous principles, and his service may have been of value to those in this world. The spiritual service of the Lord's people on this earth has always been of some value to this world -even this ungodly world. The Lord alone knows what the world would be, we may say, without is people. Abraham said "no" to those of this world, of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, who had derived some benefit from his activity. They offered, him some reward to patronise him. But Abraham refused and stood outside.

This has been one of the deeply laid snares of the devil, to make something of the service of ; God's people on this earth to confer upon them recognition, titles and position to make them ; something here on this earth amongst men. We - have to admit that when such gifts are offered, and ; recognition is granted with some positions given, there has come a farewell to the deep spiritual note. That is an end of the real spiritual value of that life. The tragedy of many a really valuable servants of ! God who were once mightily used of God in a spiritual way, have finished life without that spiritual value and vision they once enjoyed, by accepting awards from this world. To maintain heavenliness, separation is essential, holding fast the maintenance of spiritual values. God helping, we may continue in our next issue further features of the life of Abraham, as applied to the city he looked for.

Let us pray for the ministry rendered during the Special Gatherings, Convocations and Youth Camps held this month in various assemblies in our fellowship. Bro. G.T.Benjamin with Bro. Paul Sudhakar and elders from Jehovah-Shammah, Chennai, were enabled to participate in the ministry, in the gatherings held at Jehovah-Nissi, Vellore, from 7th to 15th May, with 'stay in' facilities of a Convocation. Pray for those baptised and others who decided for the Lord and the follow up ministry.

Nearly 15 brethren from Hebron participated in the few days' Gospel Campaign around Challapalli and nearby villages. The evening Gospel meetings held outside drew many new comers, when Bro. Paul Sudhakar gave the Gospel, calling them to profess faith in the Lord Jesus by a decision. Nearly 150 decided.

In Jerusalem, Kurnool, the regional Youth Camp drew more than a thousand, with facilities for their stay. Bros. Eddy Williams, John Sundar Rao and John Stewart enjoyed liberty in the ministry based on the theme taken from Dan.11 :32. Bro. G. T. Benjamin was enabled to participate on the last day.

Pray for the Youth Camp going on at Eshcol, Ongole, which will close on Sunday, the 22nd May. God's servants Bro. Theodore, John Subba Reddy and John Stewart, with others are carrying on the ministry, with more than a thousand participating.Pray for the many who have decided for the Lord and recommitted their lives.

Pray also for the Special Gatherings held at Nellore from 17th to 22nd May with Bro. Paul Sudhakar and others ministering the Word, that the Lord may accomplish His Word.

Pray for the Youth Camp being held at Pune from 17th to 22nd May with many from Maharashtra participating. Bros. Eddy Williams, Paul Jacob and others are sharing most of the ministry. It has pleased the Lord to promote to Glory Sis. (Dr.) Stella Butt on 13th May after being confined to bed for several years. She outlived her sisters, coming to her grave "in full age" of over 96 years. She was well known to the saints and servants at Hebron from the inception of the Lord's work at Hebron, as one of whom the Apostle says, " is the first fruits... and... they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints" (1 Cor. 16:15).

Pray for the comfort of Sisters Daisy John and Sowmyamma John as their brother Kanaiah John was called Home on 14th May, suddenly after a brief period of hospitalization at Vellore.

Bro. T.E. Koshy and saints of the assembly at Syracuse would have us to pray for the arrangements of the forthcoming America Convocation to be held God willing from 13th to 17th July, and that some of us may also pray and avail of their invitation to share in the few days' ministry of the Word of God.

The Holy Convocation at Rajahmundry has been postponed to June 7th to 12th as the college premises where the meetings are held are not available till then.

Please pray for Bro. Dyva Prasad, God's servant at Tirupati, as he has been admitted in the C.M.C. Hospital at Vellore for intestinal disorder. Also pray for Sis..Pearl of Hebron, who has been hospitalised in Hyderabad due to severe cardiac problem.

Praying that the Spirit of God through His Word may grant us a fresh vision of the heavenliness of "Jerusalem from above... the mother of us all", to be a growing expression of the same in our families, and fellowship of the Church,

Heb.13:14,20,21                                                                                     I remain,

Rev. 21 :10,11                                                                                    Yours in His grace,,

Psa.50:1-3                                                                                           K. PHILLIP



Scripture Reading: Genesis chapter 26 Isaac was born when Abraham and Sarah had become very old, and had passed the age of child-bearing. Isaac is a type of the power of resurrection. This power gives us victory in our trials, difficulties and problems. Only through the power of resurrection we can enjoy our great salvation more fully. By this power the Lord Jesus Christ conquered death and rose again. The disciples began to emphasize on this great power again and again. "And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all" (Acts 4:33). The grace of God and the power of resurrection go together. The Lord wants us to enjoy fully and be profited by that power.



`It was God's plan to make Isaac a partaker of the sevenfold spiritual blessing which He promised to Abraham in Gen. 12: 1-3, because that blessing was also meant for the seed of Abraham . But Isaac had to understand these promises by experience. So in the beginning of Genesis chapter 26 God reminded him of these promises. "Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee; and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father" (v .3). He had to leam patiently to be led by the Lord. For sometime he did not obey the Lord fully, and dwelt in Gerar for along time. There was a great temptation for him to tell a lie conceming his wife Rebekah. "And the men of the place asked him of his wife; and he said, She is my sister: for he feared to say, She is my wife; lest, said he, the men of the place should kill me for Rebekah; because she was fair to look upon" (v.7). Doubtand fear came into his heart. The Lord had confirmed His promise and there was no reason for him to doubt and fear about Rebekah or about himself. Nobody could do them any harm yet he was afraid and his heart was filled with doubt. That is why he stayed too long in Gerar. But God overruled and protected him from the men of the country. "And Abimelech charged all his people, saying, He that toucheth this man or his wife shall surely be put to death" (v.11).

Then again Isaac was tempted to stay in Gerar longer than he should because of worldly prosperity. "Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him. And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great" (vs. 12, 13). Even though he received hundredfold fruit that year and became very prosperous, still that was not the place for him to stay. God in His goodness helped him to move out. He had not yet received the blessings, which God had kept for him. God has always much more to give us than what we have. Because of jealousy the men of Gerar pushed him out of the country. Many believers think God is with them and that they are in His will because of their earthly prosperity. Many have lost their joy and peace because of their desire for worldly possessions. Many young men agree to marry unbelievers because there is a desire in their hearts for money, so they go on bargaining. They may get what they demand but later on they land themselves into trouble and end in misery. In the same way when Isaac became prosperous the people of the country became jealous of him.

The people of Gerar forced Isaac to leave the country and go away. The king was also afraid of him and he was compelled to leave the country and go elsewhere. "And Abimelech said unto Isaac, Go from us; for thou art much mightier than we" (v. 16). Whatever he received materially did not bring him real joy. Those who acquire much wealth by worldly wisdom finally end up in tears. There are many believers who go abroad for the sake of money. They earn much money, and become worshippers of money. Because of this love of money they get . into many family problems and get involved in court cases. God showed Isaac that he had a lesson for him to learn and so he came to the valley of Gerar. "And Isaac departed thence, and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there" (v. 17). God wanted him to go further away but because of the wells which his father had dug he stayed there and thus failed to find God's will (Gen. 26:18-20). The people of the country began to provoke him and strive with him. Generally strife comes through jealousy. Our neighbours, friends and relations try to find fault and strive with us. Even though the servants of Isaac dug the wells, which belonged to his father, still the people of the land were jealous of him and strove with him. Because of strife, that place was called 'Esek'. "And they digged another well, and strove for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah" (v. 21). Sitnah means hatred. Because of love for money believers often get involved in court cases through hatred and jealousy. There is contention between brothers and sisters and father- in-Iaw and son-in-Law. But as Isaac moved wisely, he saw a better place. "And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room forus, and we shall be fruitful in the land" (v.22). Because he refused to be involved in quarrels and contentions God showed a large place. God gave him a large heart to forgive the people who pushed him out of the country. (To be contd.)

Crossroads, Hyderabad -500 020. Edited by Bro. K. Phillip, Printed and Published by Bro. G. T. Benjamin for Hebron, Golconda
Crossroads, Hyderabad -500020

Reprinted with permission by

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